Do You believe in Free Will?

Yes, I believe in free will, but it’s only provable when someone reaches and experiences their Source-Self. Without that level of awareness, you can only trust and have faith in the love, wisdom, and perfection of the universe. But when you experience that infinite dimension of yourself, you know it is so absolutely, unconditionally loving that it would never make us into a choice-less robot. The big question, is “if God is good , how come there is so much suffering?” And the answer to that question is because we have free will and have subconsciously attracted to ourselves what we would never consciously choose. So, I can’t prove to anyone that there is free will, but I can help them experience their Source-Self, which will enable them to know there is free will for themselves

About Jackie Paulson LOVES BOOKS

About Jackie Paulson You love to help others solve problems you are Intuitive; (Jackie uses her intuitive skills to help others solve their problems). YOU SEE THINGS OTHERS CANNOT SEE. You are great at picking up on peoples moods and predicting the future. (Jackie can predict future events by reading and feeling others moods). You know what others are THINKING before they speak a word. (Jackie is a true empath because she knows what other people are thinking before they say a word). Your Purpose in life is to SHOW LOVE TO OTHERS (Jackie can show love to others even to those who have been emotionally, mentally, physically, verbally abused). People turn to Jackie for Direction and Hope and New Ideas. (Jackie can lead others in the right direction and bring hope when there seems to be none left). I DO BOOK REVIEWS email me at
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1 Response to Do You believe in Free Will?

  1. frizztext says:

    be glad, that you can add the will of some friendly supporters
    if your own will (and knowledge) is too weak …
    – greetings to Jackie Paulson 🙂

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